Novadaq Heart Laser 2

(images coming soon)

The Heart Laser 2 is a very large (but not as large as the Heart Laser 1!) and dubious medical apparatus built to put tiny holes in the wall of the heart muscle, purportedly to relieve late-stage untreatable angina. Not many were sold, and there is precious little information on them. The HL1, it turns out, is a Trumpf TruFlow resonator, complete with roots blower, inside a medical enclosure. The HL2 is a much more reasonable 800W slab laser powered by a pulsed RF amp via several kilojoules of capacitors.

My copy came with a complete set of technical notes and manuals, hopefully someday I'll find the energy to scan and upload them but in the meantime, if you need anything contact me.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,I also bought a few of these lasers ,I have (2) Hl2 ans I also got lucky and got a Hl1 for Scrap Price at same place bought the hl2 units,there is like you said no info on how they work or any schematics about them or anyone who has put it up on net for others.
    Any info you we can share with each other could help put use to these,not sure if hl2 could be convertes to something to cut materials but I know the Hl1 could be used to cut steel,with the proper modifications to keep cooling and enough rf power to run the laser ,not to sure how to drive the laser with a different rf power supply, but I was think of building a new style ldmos rf power source with a few thousand watts of RF power with single devices can output 1500 to 1800 watts,that way amp wont be running close to max output,plus there almost undestructable from what i been reading with a vswr of around 60 mismatch and still survive,MFGER has sample output rf deck pcb which can be dounloaded,but that would be alot of learning curve and time to get a useable unit at the end.
    Thanks Let me know
