
MIT Stuff
MITERS The MIT project space where I spend half of my life, and the birthplace of most of my projects.
TC-Engineering Tyler Christensen's blog; very nice projects, plus he sort of started the whole HV craze at MITERS.
Loneoceans Labs Gao Guangyuan's site, one of the prettiest HV sites I've seen.
Daniel Kramnik Homepage of the master of digital salinometers. Also, quite a good coiler too!
Shane Colton Motor controllers, quadrotors, vehicles, and MechE...oh my!
Equals Zero Charles Z Guan's blog. One of the greatest, craziest engineers on the Internets.
Beaut[EE] Jordan's blog. The only project blog I know of that talks about clothes.
KrazerLasers: Peter Krogen's site. It has ALL THE LAZERS!!!

HV Community
4HV The premier forum for high-voltage enthusiasts.
Steve Ward He is God...worship him.
Scopeboy Steve Conner's (old) coiling site. One of the pioneers of solid-state coiling.
Eric Goodchild Very nice coils, and also the home of the only documented QCW (Steve didn't write his up).
Richie Burnett One of the few sites that actually explains the technical details behind coiling with any degree of precision.

My Other Fluff

oneTesla: oh look I'm selling Tesla coil kits

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